Community assessment should catalyze community change, not just check a box.
IP3 ASSESS is a web-based data solution designed and built for changemakers using data to advance equitable well-being in communities around the Nation.
It includes a robust starter list of indicators, interactive maps, and simple, shareable reporting to create online data dashboards
Powerful data analysis allows for “apples to apples” comparison of all kinds of data against state and national benchmarks
Easily compare data from different sources
No more long lists of indicators; our suite of IP3 frameworks provides helpful context through grouping indicators into categories that make sense and are easily tied to action
Make sense of data
Seamless integration with Community Commons populates reports and outputs, enabling discovery of what the data mean, how to get started, and who else is working in these areas.
Go from community insight to concerted action
Simplify multi-sector work.
IP3 ASSESS allows you to easily combine and compare data from different sources, surface community insights, align data across organizations and sectors, and move straight into concerted action.
These teams take action with IP3 ASSESS
IP3 ASSESS is a web-based data solution designed and built for changemakers using data to advance equitable well-being in communities around the Nation.
Large and small hospitals and health systems are looking to improve & automate the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) process. IP3 ASSESS was originally developed in partnership with one of the largest health systems in the U.S. and supports those looking to discover the best way to engage and invest in community and do more than simply meet federal CHNA requirements.
Funding organizations, including philanthropies and foundations, endowments, and government agencies all benefit from using data to inform decisions and prioritize financial investments in communities, topic areas, and among grant applicants. IP3 ASSESS enables exploration of data across topics and geographic areas.
Often, networks of organizations, coalitions, collaboratives, or clinics seek to align work across an entire state to advance equitable well-being. This includes coordinating strategic planning, investments, and implementation initiatives. IP3 ASSESS provides a simple, shared lens with which to view, analyze, and interpret data to catalyze collective action, track the same metrics over time, and ensure equitable, effective community investment.
Small and large community coalitions working to improve community conditions around a specific topic area (e.g. food access) and/or with a more broad focus to advance equitable community well-being benefit from access to data and simple data interpretation to help guide and prioritize investments.